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You're Invited to the Garden Tour

There are only a few more days before the Arlington Garden Club's bi-annual Town and Country Garden Tour happening on Saturday, July 22, 2023, 10am - 3pm. If you want to purchase tickets, we are selling them at the Arlington Village Farmers Market on Friday and at the Arlington Inn, every day this week. On the day of the tour, tickets will be sold from 9:30am - 2:30pm in front of the Arlington Community House on Rt. 7A, Arlington, next to the town hall. Tickets are $25 if purchased in advance and $30 on the day of the tour. Personal check or cash only. For more information contact us at or call Pat Williams, tour coordinator, at 802-375-1223.

There are seven fantastic gardens to walk through, so it is advisable to wear sunscreen or a hat or rain gear if it's raining. Don't forget to bring water and wear comfortable shoes. The tour will be held rain or shine. The ticket includes a description of each garden and a road map to get to each one.

All proceeds from the sale of tickets pays for an educational scholarship given to a local high school graduate who will be attending college with a concentration in environmental, farming, horticulture or other related study. Your support with be greatly appreciated. We hope to see you Saturday enjoying the gardens.

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