March 20 - The Magic of Children’s Gardens
April 17 - Gardening with the Experts
May 15 - Shrubs and Groundcovers in Landscaping
June 12 - Wildflower and Bird Walk, Breakfast
June 19 - Pick a Perfect Bloom, (Jim Chorman, Saratoga Vocational Tech)
July 9 - Field Trip: “Everything‘s Coming Up Roses”, the Gardens at Yaddo in Saratoga Springs, New York
July 17 - Floral Design and Themed Tea
August 7 - English Country Gardens, (informal flower show and themed tea)
September 18 - Conservation and Gardening, (the Honorable John Page, State Senator and former Agricultural Agent for Bennington County)
October 9 - The English garden, Changing Tastes through the Centuries (with Barbara G. Oakley of Hertfordshire, England)
November 13 - Cooking with Herbs, (Paul Kruzel, chef of Arlington Inn)
March 19 - Come and Reminisce, (clippings, slides, pictures and other
memories, at Anne Weber’s studio on the Green in West Arlington)
April 16 - Environmentally Smart Housekeeping, (with Virginia Allen, president of The Federated Garden Clubs of Vermont)
July 16 - Horticultural Scavenger Hunt, (start at the West Arlington Grange, and visit various assigned gardens to see if you can identify designated plants. You may bring a reference book with you. Return to the grange for refreshments.)
August 24 - Arlington House Tour
September 17 - Field Trip to Merck Forest
October 15 - Open Meeting, Vermont Militia, (covered dish supper for our members and a spouse or friend.)
November 19 - Two Workshops: Potpourri and Pinecone Wreaths
March 17 - Starting from Scratch, (with Roger Preuss from Equinox Valley Nursery; advice on planting and transplanting)
April 21 - Mechanics of Flower Design, (Dorothy Vietor of Dorset, VT)
April 28 - Wildflower Walk (at the farm of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hanks, Salem, New York)
May 19 - Discovery, (flower show consultants will present an arrangement in their class and give a brief summary of its construction)
June 16 - Hands-on Workshop, (members bring containers and materials to create practice flower show entries. Consultants will assist in each category)
July 14 - It’s Never Too Late, (Marge Brush will instill confidence and enthusiasm especially in first time designers)
August 11 - Mi Casa, Su Casa, (a visit to Phil Webb’s vegetable garden and Marilyn Houston’s perennial beds, with refreshments)
September 22 - Open Meeting; Hawks of Vermont, (and covered dish supper for members spouses or friends, presented by Nancy Martin, a naturalist with VINS)
October 20 - Spice It Up, (spice balls and spice rings, suitable for gift giving, followed by Bob Albert, chef at The Four Chimneys in Bennington who will share tips on the use of spices)
November 17 - Headstart for the Holidays (bow making, centerpieces)
March 16 - Seeds with an Eye to the Future, (plus Flower Show video)
April 20 - The Art of Bonsai, (with Bob Zink, Rock City Falls, New York)
May 1 - Wildflower Walk at Hank‘s Farm in Salem, New York
May 18 - Techniques for Drying Flowers
June 15 - Pressing Flowers
July 14 - Southern Vermont Art Center presents, “The Quest for Paradise”, (a three screen presentation)
July 31 - Joe Eck’s Garden, Readsboro, Vermont
October 19 - Open Meeting, Vermont Life: It’s History and Covers, (covered dish supper)
November 6 - Game Night, (with potluck supper, $2.50 per person, choose your partner and name your game)
November 16 - Holiday Parties (discussions, ideas, exhibits)
March 15 - Design in the Garden, (Roger Preuss, Equinox Valley Nursery)
April 19 - The Vegetable Garden, (presented by John Page)
May 17 - “The Perennial Garden”, a Visual Presentation by Jerry Meyer, (Homestead Garden Center, Bondville)
June 18 - Arlington’s Ethan Allen Days, (floral and herbs table)
June 21 - “What’s Wrong with This Arrangement?”
July 19 - Quick Tips for Flower Arranging
August 16 - A Day at the Lake, (at Shaftsbury Lake, bring a picnic lunch)
September 20 - Harvest Time, (recipes and samples)
October 18 - Open Meeting, Vermont’s Covered Bridges, (covered dish supper, silent auction)
November 15 - “Our Valley Gardens”, a Visual Presentation
March 21 - Birds of Vermont, (Eugene and Ruth Kosche. Shaftsbury, VT)
April 18 - Herbal Vinegars
June 20 - Salad Luncheon, Flower Arranging for Fun
September 12 - Bennington Center for the Arts: The Romantic Garden, Appealing to All the Senses
October 17 - Open Meeting; “Every Town Has One”, (a visual presentation of the Old Cemetery Assoc. of Vermont, covered dish supper)
November 14 - Holiday Workshop: Wreaths, Swags, Kissing Balls
March 19 - Herbs and Healing
April 16 - American Chestnut Foundation, (John Harrington of Bennington, VT)
May 21 - Gardens/Wildflowers of Spain, Portugal, Madeira, (potluck dinner)
August 20 - Field Trip to The Bridge of Flowers, Shelburne Falls, MA
September 10 - Bennington Center for the Arts, Capturing the Romance of the Garden
September 17 - People and Their Gardens, (luncheon, plant exchange)
March 18 - Water Gardens, (Roger Preuss of Equinox Valley Nursery)
April 15 - Wild Birds, (Katherine Davis of Wild Birds of Vermont, in Dorset, VT)
May 20 - Ned Swanberg, VINS, (potluck supper)
September 16 - Lavender Workshop with Susan Cook, (lavender sachets, soothing eye bags, lavender tasting, Mediterranean mint)
October 8 - History of Olmstead’s Parks, (Stuart MacKenzie of Rochester, NY, will present a slideshow on Rochester’s park system and its horticultural history)
November 18 - Christmas Greens, (wreaths, swags, and topiaries workshop)
March 17 - Designing Gardens with Annuals and Perennials, (with Donna
Anderson of Mettowee Mill Nursery, potluck luncheon)
April 21 - Herbs in Colonial America
May 19 - Gardening in the Library, (browse through the gardening books and view the CD ROM “Flowerscape”)
June 16 - Field Trip to GardenWorks in Salem, NY, (lunch at Bunker Hill Inn)
August 18 - Walk the Boswell Botany Trail at the Southern Vermont Arts Center in Manchester, VT
September 16 - “Landscape Design” Slideshow, (a joint meeting with the Manchester and Bennington garden clubs)
October 20 - Monet’s Gardens; Open Meeting, (potluck supper)
November 17 - Terrific Tables, presented by Valerie Cleary
December 12 - Annual Door Decorating Contest, (first price $30, second price $10. Two categories: private homes, commercial. To enter contact a chair person, open to all members and the general public.)
March 16 - Identifying Our Trees, (Jim White; potluck luncheon)
April 20 - “Perennials through the Seasons”, Lecture and Slideshow
May 18 - "My Arlington Memories", (talk and book signing by Fred Erich)
June 15 - Field Trip to Smokey House (in Danby, Vermont; bring a picnic lunch)
July 20 - Unusual Containers
August 17 - Battenkill Rambler (train ride and lunch at the Bunker Hill Inn)
October 19 - Bear Facts (presented by Mike Clough of the VINS; potluck supper)
November 16 - Holiday Cookie Exchange, (with films of famous gardens)
(Annual Door Decorating Contest continues...)